Devizes School has a contract with Caterlink (from September 2018) to provide good, honest food for our students and staff throughout the day. In order to learn properly, children need a regular intake of suitable food and drink. Parents are requested to ensure that their child has a good breakfast before coming to schoo. Packed lunch bags are available before school or at lunchtime, and rolls, baguettes, and wraps with assorted fillings are available for sale at break and lunchtimes. A wide range of healthy snacks are available at break time. Freshly cooked hot meals, including soup and fresh salads, are available daily.
The government has published minimum nutrition standards for school food to ensure healthier eating throughout the school day. Devizes School meets these standards and is working hard to promote healthy eating through many different initiatives. For example, no chocolate, crisps, or fizzy drinks are sold in the school dining rooms and students have access to fresh drinking water at all times. In order to help us with this work, parents providing packed lunches are asked to include healthy options in these meals rather than processed foods.
Students bringing their food from home can eat in the small hall, middle school hall, main hall, or the picnic area located behind the science block depending on year group. Snacks, e.g. filled rolls, are also on sale in the dining halls. No eating is permitted anywhere else in school. If students are found eating anywhere else in the school, the food will be confiscated and may be disposed of. Students found eating around the school may also be asked to help pick up litter.
Free School Meals
Devizes School believe that all children should have access to healthy meals on a daily basis and as such have been registered as a ‘Healthy School’ for a number of years. We are proud to have achieved Bronze status to evidence our dedication to promote healthy living and will continue to work towards this over the coming years. Please visit to find out more.
If you are on a low income and claiming certain benefits you may be able to claim free school meals for your child/children. Follow this link to apply online