The White Horse Federation helps schools within the trust reach their full potential and has a passion for working collaboratively to provide first-class learning experiences to a wide range of children across all of our schools. The same approach is given to attendance and ensuring that no child is left behind. We are committed to providing an education of the highest quality for all its students, and recognises this can only be achieved by supporting and promoting excellent school attendance for all. Only by attending school regularly and punctually will children and young people be able to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. High attainment depends on good attendance. The whole school community – students, parents & carers, teaching & support staff and school governors, have a responsibility for ensuring good school attendance and all have important roles to play.


Attendance registers are completed at the start of each morning and afternoon session, with the information then being collated and analysed by our pupil services officer. Our school monitors each child’s level of attendance and holds meetings with parents when absence causes concern in line with The White Horse Federation's Attendance and Absence Policy.

At Devizes School we have very high standards, and this includes our expectation of full attendance and punctuality to school and lessons. Parents have a legal duty to ensure that their children attend school full-time. It is often recognised that high levels of school attendance are closely linked with better student attainment, wellbeing, and sense of community / belonging. Where absence falls below expected levels, we work closely with parents, students and wider agencies to remove barriers and increase attendance, as appropriate. We encourage and recognise good and improved attendance through weekly award points as well as termly and annual rewards for students, as appropriate.

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Schools need to consider the potential negative impact that any absence can have on a child's academic progress, even if a child's attendance is good. Absence will affect the child’s progress at school and also disrupt the learning of other children when the child returns and tries to catch up with missed work.

Reporting an Illness 

You may need to consider if your child is well enough to attend school. If you are unsure please use the following guidance to support you;

Please only report absences using one of these 3 methods and preferably before 8.20am:

  1. email the attendance team via this email address [email protected]
  2. via the EduLink App
  3. Telephone the school on 01380 724886 and follow the instructions for 'reporting a student absence

Reporting Exam Absence

If difficulties are experienced during the examination period (e.g. illness, injury, personal problems), please inform the school at the earliest possible point so we can help or advise.

Only in exceptional circumstances are candidates allowed special consideration for absence from any part of an examination. It is essential that medical or other appropriate evidence is obtained and given to the examination officer without delay in all cases where an application is to be made for special consideration. A self-certification form (JCQ/ME Form 14) can be obtained from the examinations officer.

Parents and candidates are reminded that the school will require payment of entry fees (approximately £29.00 / £77.00 per subject) should a candidate fail to attend an examination without good reason and without informing the school, as detailed in the examination contract.

Please note that misreading the timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation of absence.

Parents are asked to refrain from arranging family holidays when examinations are taking place, and if absence permission for this purpose is sought, authorisation will not be given.

Exceptional Circumstances Known in Advance

In such circumstances, the parents must write in advance to the headteacher, explaining the situation and requesting permission for authorised absence. The school follows the local authority’s attendance code. Absence from school can either be authorised by the school or unauthorised:

  • AUTHORISED ABSENCE will include genuine illness, medical appointments, music exams, special tuition, approved public performances, work experience, interviews, non-arrival of school transport, immediate family bereavements, exclusion of students, and some family holidays that have the prior approval of the headteacher.
  • UNAUTHORISED ABSENCE (i.e. permission has NOT been given by the school) includes unauthorised holidays in term time (see below), truancy, caring for brothers and sisters, visits to relatives, long weekends, shopping, excess of time on holiday over that agreed with the school, and arrival in school after the start of the school day.

Parents should not expect that schools would automatically agree to an absence from school during term time. All requests are at the discretion of the Head Teacher and can only be authorised by the Head Teacher or the member of staff with designated authority in the absence of the Head Teacher.

Family Holidays in Term Time

Parents should arrange family holidays only during school holiday periods. If there are exceptional circumstances, parents should write to the headteacher to seek permission before making holiday arrangements in term time.

If a student has five or more days of unauthorised holiday absence within a six-month period of the current academic year, the school must notify the local authority and a penalty notice will be issued to each parent. If the absence is not authorised you risk a £80 penalty notice per child,  per parent if paid within the 21 days or £160 if paid up to 28 days.

Making a Request for Absence

It is important that parents discuss any plans for term time absence with the principal of the school before making any bookings. We have a form for such absence requests.

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Further Details or Clarification

In the first instance, parents should talk to their child’s school. Alternatively, the penalty notice officer can be contacted on 01722 438123.