Careers Education Information Advice & Guidance (CEIAG)

Devizes strive to provide students across Years 7-13 with inspirational, achievable and current information, advice and guidance to allow individuals to make informed choices for their future pathways.

Together we will bridge the gap between Education and Employment.

We achieve this by using a range of careers education programme, workshops, encounters, insights and trips along with interactive personal careers guidance, a wide range of resources, activities and learning in order to meet the needs of every individual. We provide every student and stakeholders with the information, key skills, analysis and positivity to enable everyone to pursue their aspirations. We are committed to nurturing students interests, passions and creativity enabling them with impartial and encouraging information advice and guidance.

Our Careers Programme is made up of a mixture of a calendar of events, trips, employer encounters, careers in curriculum focus sessions and positive development to becoming employability ready. We ensure all students are armed with the right skills, knowledge and behaviours for successful and suitable onward pathways.

Careers Team

Our Team supporting Careers Education:-

Personal Careers Guidance can be requested by contacting our Head of Careers, Ceri Tranter, by e-mailing [email protected] or by telephoning: 01380 724 886 Extension: 344.

Devizes are committed to meeting all of the Gatsby Benchmarks, CDI framework and DfE Guidance; working in collaboration with Careers Enterprise Company.

We intend to provide a bespoke, robust, dynamic and creative careers programme to every individual by implementing the information and resources into curriculum and extracurricular activities. We ensure that every individual is provided with all the careers information, advice and guidance to make a positive impact on their future. Details of our programme can be found below:

