A Level
Exam Board AQA
Course 7702
Lead Teacher Ms Daltrey-Hurt
This challenging and stimulating course aims to encourage candidates to ask questions - How do children acquire language? When? How do some texts and speakers wield power? How has the English Language changed over time? How has the English Language changed and developed? Why and how do we alter conversational strategies according to who we are speaking to? And learn some of the answers! Students will perfect their essay structure and style and also have an opportunity to write for a ‘real-world’ purpose.
Specific requirements
Grade 6 in either English Language or English Literature
What will I study?
Areas of study:
- Textual variations and representation
- Children's language development
- Language diversity and change
- Language discourses
- Writing skills
- Language investigation
- Original writing
Assessment schedule:
- Paper 1: 40%
- Paper 2: 40%
- NEA: 20%
Where does it lead?
English Language is a well respected A level that links to many courses and is an excellent foundation for further study. For example:
- Linguistics
- Media
- Journalism
- Social Sciences
- Law
- Advertising
- Childcare
- Teaching
Wider Reading
David Crystal, How Language Works
Daivid Crystal, Rediscover Grammar
Jean Aitchison, Language Change; Progress or Decay?
Deborah Cameron, The Myth of Mars and Venus
Useful Websites and Blogs: