Exam Board Edexcel/Pearson
QAN Certificate Business – 601/7155/8
QAN Extended Certificate Business – 601/7159/5
Lead Teacher – Mrs R Edwards
If you want a career as an engineer, artist or a scientist, it is useful to understand the way a business is run. You will gain an understanding of the way of the World, from how to look after your money, knowing your rights in the consumer society we live in and how to get recruited for that career. You will be encouraged to develop enterprising skills to equip you for whatever career path you take in the future, whether that is employed or as your own boss. Both pathways are split into two courses. In Year 12, students are certificated for the BTEC National Certificate and in Year 13 move on to achieve the BTEC National Extended Certificate
Specific requirements
Grade 4 in English and Maths. A prior knowledge or study of Business/Enterprise at level 2 is not essential, but if you have studied Business/Enterprise you should have achieved at level 2.
What will I study?
BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Business (AS equivalent)
Exploring Business (internal Assessment made up of 3 assignments)
Developing a Marketing Campaign (Controlled Assessment, Externally Marked)
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business (A Level equivalent)
Recruitment and Selection Process (Internal Assessment made up of 2 assignments)
Personal and Business Finance (2 Hour Exam, Externally Marked)
Assessment methods
The format of the Level 3 Extended Certificate for either pathway consists of two units assessed through portfolio work and verifiers within the school. The remaining units consist of a coursework task under exam conditions, and a 2 hour written paper.
Where does it lead?
The qualification supports progression to higher education when taken as part of a programme of study that includes other vocational or general qualifications. It will support a move into modern apprenticeships and also directly into the workplace. In addition, students could apply the knowledge and skills learned to set up their own business enterprise.